Reasons a Young Child Should See a Dentist

Parents need to make sure their youngsters begin seeing the dentist as soon as their child begins to have teeth. By doing this early, a dentist can monitor the child’s dental health and this can help in preventing minor problems from becoming major issues. In addition, taking a child to a pediatric dentist while he or she is still young will help to instill the importance of good dental care. This can be beneficial to the child throughout his or her life.


One of the main things a dentist will do during a child’s first visit to a dental office is to help the child become comfortable and relaxed with the dentist. Many times children hear from others how painful or scary going to a dentist office can be. This can lead to a child learning to fear the dentist and he or she may avoid going in the future. This can have a negative impact on the child’s dental health. By teaching young children, there is no need to be apprehensive about seeing a dentist, this type of issue can help to be avoided.

Many times during a child’s first visit to a Pediatric and Adult Dentistry office, he or she will be given a tour of the facility. This is done to help the child become familiar with the office and understand a bit about what the dentist does. Often the dentist or a staff member will show the child some of the tools and equipment the dentist may use when examining or working on the child’s teeth. By allowing the child to see the instruments and other items it can often, help in alleviating fears the child may have.

Once the tour of the facility has been completed, the next step will be a visit with the dentist. Frequently a dentist will allow the parents to attend the initial visit. This can help in calming the child’s fears. In addition, very small children may actually sit in a parent’s lap while the dentist examines his or her teeth. This can be a great way to calm the child’s nerves and reassure the parents as well.

A dentist will also want to spend some time talking to the child and answering his or her questions. Allowing a child to speak to the dentist on his or her own, can be a great way to make the dentist seem friendlier and less intimidating.

It is important for young children to see a dentist on a regular basis. By seeing a dentist that is experienced in working with children, this process can be much easier for the child and parent. For more information, please contact Doctor Adam Shepherd.